27 Oct 2014

[IB9 & IB10] Volunteering in "Šiaulių letenėlė" animal shelter

Ernestas Lingvinas -

On the 25th of October students from IB1 and IB2 were volunteering in animal shelter “Šiaulių letenėlė”.  The main goal of this organization is to save all animals from Gruzdžiai since they are euthanized there immediately and also to give a shelter for all lost and homeless animals.  However, this animal shelter opened just on August and still haven’t settled down fully so they can’t fulfill their goals one hundred percent.  The main reason for this is that the building is still not prepared and there is not enough equipment so the personnel of the shelter can’t take care of more animals. That’s why every weekend volunteer work is organized.
This Saturday we were cleaning the surroundings of the shelter. Firstly, we carried boards from outside to the inside of the building so that they would not rot. After that we collected all waste that was left in the building and outside. And then we carried those garbage bags to the tractor trailer. After this the surroundings looked significantly cleaner and next time we’ll be able to focus on different jobs that needs to be done. After volunteering, I realized that there isn’t enough support for animal shelters and that without volunteers like us and the directors of the shelter the situation would be even worse. So if you’re able to somehow support this or others shelters please do because there are plenty of animals that needs your help.

A group photo of the volunteers

Trash that were collected during the day

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